Knife crime whose fault?: their society or our families

With the recent spike in knife crime and shootings in the capital we are left with the usual cries of blame and finger pointing and calls for action by the politicians. The cries are the same from both parents whom are bereaved and the communities who are acutely affected by knife crime. The situation is a desperate one and very complicated which cannot be solved with a government targeted policy nor a specific zone stop-and-search within particular areas of the large urban centres. These solutions are meant for another problem and another time as they will not solve this problem at this time.

The issue of knife and gun crime is not specific to the Hebrew community as this has affected other communities but the media seems to focus on these incidents when they happen within the urban centres and even more so when they happen in the Hebrew community. This is not to negate the existence of a problem within the Hebrew community but just to add balance to reporting which gives undue attention when it happens. The issue within the Hebrew community is that as a community we have a small representation demographically but are over-represented in criminal justice statistics. This is a problem that needs to be addressed and admitted rather than the taking of a defensive stance in order to defend the community from racist accusations of inherent criminality within our culture. Our young men and women are losing their lives on the streets all over the country and defending the community from racists is no comfort to a grieving family who have just lost a child. The discussion needs a dose of reality and perspective which is sadly missing.

The roots of this problem are ancient and the remedy of the situation is just as old; it only needs to be understood and applied. The expression of the problem can be treated but the outcomes will be limited and short-lived. We must understand and admit that within the post-colonial Hebrew culture that is bereft of Abrahamic guidance and a God centred focus there is a nihilistic, hedonistic, self-hating and rebellious essence which is the fertile soil for the unfortunate outcomes we see today. Unless we accept that this situation is in some way within our power to solve and take ownership the process of dealing with it will never begin. If we maintain the attitude that it is everybody else’s fault for our condition then we have given up our power to make the correct choices in order to change the situation.

We need to change the values of our collective culture and connect the negative outcomes we see with the negative values that fuel the destructive choices we make. It is those choices that need to be blamed for the majority of the problems we face and it is us who make those choices no one else. We are not forced to make those choices that sabotage us as a community and individuals, we make them against ourselves. The real question that is asked by the discerning mind is; why do we make such decisions? When individuals make a choice and those choices are somewhat uniform in line with the group as a whole this will suggest that the group is programmed to make those choices. The group programming of individuals is called culture.

What are the echo chambers of a culture and how do the individuals learn about the programming of the group? The centre of post-colonial Hebrew culture is music essentially we have a very oral and phonic culture. If this is corrupted with bad and degenerative culture this will infect the young and program them with the same messages of degeneracy and self-hate. There are other cultures that also have a phonic/oral culture which acts as a receptacle for the values of their culture and it can be pointed out that those children are not acting in the same way. If we look at those cultures their history and culture isn’t corrupted with degenerate values, generally, that attack family and Godly values. So, the children of those cultures can enjoy the sub-culture with all its degenerate values but have a back-up true culture which their parents, or community, remind them of to not live out the values of the sub-culture because it’s not theirs.